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Services/ The Process

Tabby cat being petted by an elderly person's hand.


We receive a request from you for a kitten in need. If it is an urgent need, we will try our best to return your call ASAP.


We come pick up the kitten/kittens and assess what the needs are.


Depending on the need, we will ensure veterinary care is provided if needed. Otherwise a foster home will be provided where around the clock care is given.


The kitten stays in the foster home until they are old enough to be weaned onto solid food. They will then be assessed for adoptability. 


As long as the kitten is healthy and strong, the adoption qualification process will match the kitten to their loving forever home.

Q. Is Bottle Babies Rescue and Rehab a non-profit organization?

A. No, we are not currently a registered non-profit (501(c)(3)). However, we are a not-for-profit organization. Meaning that ALL donations go directly to the care of the animals. No profit is being made by anyone in the organization. No salaries or wages are paid to anyone. Unfortunately this does mean that donations are not tax deductible at this time. 

Q. Do you accept other species such as puppies, or wildlife?

A. In certain circumstances we may be able to take puppies. We are not licensed to take wildlife but we may be able to provide resources for the proper places to take them and for care in the meantime.

Q. Do you accept volunteers?

A. At this time we are not accepting volunteers, but check back for future opportunities and needs. For other opportunities to help check out our donations page here.


Q. Do you accept stray kittens with a mother cat?

A. Sometimes, we may be able to accommodate this situation on a case by case basis.

Q. How do I know if a kitten is really abandoned and in need of care?

A. If you find a kitten or litter of kittens by themselves, look around for signs of a mother cat. If you do not see one, and the kittens are in a safe place, wait around or check back to see if she comes back or moves them. Cat's will leave their young for brief periods of time to hunt and care for themselves. But if they are gone for more than a couple of hours, chances are, they are not coming back. You can also look at the condition of the kittens. If any are thin, or dehydrated, have bugs crawling on them or otherwise look unwell (especially if any of the kittens are deceased), this is another indication they have been abandoned by the mother. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions. And please see the home page for instructions on what to do once you've found a kitten or kittens.

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